- BIST 9842.15
- Altın 3318.01
- Dolar 35.9779
- Euro 37.3879
- İstanbul 3 °C
- Ankara -8 °C
- Antalya 5 °C
- Mısır gezisi için TÜRSAB'ın adı kullanılarak dolandırılmış!
- 152 tarihi eseri Mısır'a iade ettik
- Nadir hayata döndürüldü, durumu kritik: Kan aranıyor!
- Kalamış Yat Limanı'nın 40 yıllık işletmesi Koç Holding'e geçti
- Asrın felaketinin toplam maliyeti 150 milyar dolara ulaştı
- Mısır, 2030’a kadar turist sayısını 30 milyona çıkarmayı hedefliyor
- EMITT Fuarı 28. kez kapılarını açtı
- Çalışma süresi kısalıp, tatil süreleri uzayacak
- Trabzon'un Uzungöl'deki 63 turizm işletmesi kapatıldı
- Ilgaz Dağı'nda Türkiye Kayak Federasyonu'nun telesiyeji kapatıldı
- Seyahat harcamaları 15 yılda Tüketici Fiyat Endeksi’nin üç katı oldu
- Pansiyon mühürlemede biber gazıyla müdahale
- Sahte pasaport şebekesine operasyon: 5 kişi gözaltına alındı
- Küçük Oteller Derneği’nde Başkan Ertan Ustaoğlu güven tazeledi
- Louvre Müzesi’nde en büyük nenovasyon yapılacak
Aydın Demir - Mutfak Şefi

Mengen’de, 4 kuşaktır aşçılık yapan bir ailenin mensubu olarak dünyaya geldi. Meslek hayatına 1984 yılında Club 29 İstanbul mutfağında başlayan Aydın Demir, Şamdan, Discorium, Piezza, Citron, Garden 74, La Fontaine, Citron, Changa, Konyalı Kanyon ve Feriye Palace gibi işletmelerde şef aşçı ve koordinatör şef olarak çalıştı.
Bunun yanında Eresin Hotel, Ritz Carlton, Çırağan Palace ve Divan Hotel gibi birçok beş yıldızlı otelde şeflik yaptı
1999 yılında ülkenin ilk tasarım fusion restoranı olarak açılan Changa’nın şefliğini 4 yıl üstlendi. 2002 yılında Dünyann en iyi 50 Resturantı arasında 39. Olarak seçilmiştir. http://www.theworlds50best.com/list/past-lists/2002#
Buun yanı sıra Çırağan Sarayı’na geçtiğinde Tuğra Restoran’a Travel& Leisure tarafından 2004“Dünyanın En İyi Otel Restorantı” ödülünü kazandırdı. 2005 yılında Napa Valley-San Francisco, Culinary Institute of America’da seminerler verdi; yemek sunumları yaptı.
2006’da Konyalı Lokantası’nın mutfak şefi oldu. Geleneksel Türk Mutfağı sunan Konyalı Restoran zincirine Kanyon lokasyonunun eklenmesiyle birçok yeniliği de hayata geçirdi. Asırlık yemek reçetelerini aslına sadık kalarak yeniden yorumlayan Aydın Demir, 2008’de Konyalı’ya “En İyi Lokanta” ve “En İyi Yemek” ödüllerini getirdi. Aynı yıl Time Out tarafından “Yılın En İyi Şefi” seçildi.
2008-2009 yıllarında Cumhurbaşkanlığı Köşkü’nün mutfak şefliğini yaptı. 2010 yılında Divan Oteli’ne transfer olan Aydın Demir, 2012’de, merkezi Lyon’da bulunan “Toques Blanches du Monde” tarafından yeniden “Yılın en iyi yabancı Şefi” unvanı ile ödüllendirildi.
Aydın Demir 2013 yılından bu yana Medipol Üniversitesi Beslenme ve Diyet Bölümü’ne Türk Mutfak Kültürü derslerine ve Ascılık bölümü ögrencilerine yemek derslerine girmektedir. Yeme-içme ve konaklama işletmelerine mutfak yeme-içme konsep ve stil danışmanlığı hizmetleri de sunan Demir, aynı zamanda Diğitürk Bein Gurme kanalında her Cuma “5 sef “ isimli yemek programı sunmaktadır.
Şubat 2016 tarihinden beri İstanbulun en iyi restoranlarından bir olarak gösterilen Feriye Palace’ın Executive Chef’liğini yürütmektedir.
Chef Aydın Demir 2017 yılında aşçıların piri sayılan Atezbaz-I veli 2017 yılın sefi ödülünüde almıştır. Gecce .com tarafından 2017-2018 yılın sefi adayıdır.
Aydın Demir’in yaptığı bazı danışmanlık hizmetleri;
“Sunset “restaurant. Ulus istanbul
Neni Brasseria, Caddebostan, Istanbul
“Raf” Patisserie Cafe Istanbul
“Lacivert” Restaurant, Istanbul
“Koleksiyon” Restaurant, Istanbul
“Sosa” café rest ve sağlıklı yiyecekler İstanbul
Denizli Aydem Holding “labada” restaurant cafe
“Dudakpayı” türk mutfagı İstanbul
“Park şamdan” restaurant pera Istanbul
Agora Meyhanesi Balat Istanbul
“KL08”Sokak lezzetcisi Antalya, Lara
“Kaleiçi” Meyhanesi Antalya
“Sisim” Meyhane İzmir
“Nestle” food Istanbul
Küçük Ev restoranlar grubu
Kırkpınar restoranlar grubu istanbul
Bowbels bar kalamış istanbul
Aromsa arge danısmanlık. İstanbul
“Sukar Pasha” restaurant Qatar Doha
“La Cigale” Hotel Qatar doha
The Regency Hotel Kuwait
“Divan hotel” Erbil, Iraq
Executive Master Chef: Executive Chef / Director Execitive Chef / Owner-Chef /Food Critic / Consultant
Executive Master Chef with verifiable year-after-year success achieving business growth, revenue, profit within start-up, turn-around, rapid change, steady environment. Vast knowledge and experience in international Fine Dining culinary and trends in 29 years experience along with 18 years in executive chef role.
Recognized as one of the top innovative executive chef by highly reputable national and international food & beverage, travel as well as daily news publishings, TV shows and institutions, particularly skilled at “Ottoman Turkish cuisine” to acquaint forgotten “Ottoman Palace” cuisine true out the world. His distinguishing skill and passion for food has delighted many high caliber fine diners from all over the world , such as Turkish President Mr. Abdullah Gul to U.S. President Mr.Barack OBAMA along with many other world leaders, executives and local foodies.
Operation Management / Acquisition & Integration / Staff Development – Promotions / Performance & Quality Standards / Customer Satisfaction & Allegiance / Leadership Development / Budget Development / Facility Designing / Multi-unit Management / Concept Building & Setting / Catering & Event Planning, Administration / Project Management / Quality Control / R&D Administration
• Chef of the Year 2012 by “Les Toques Blanches du Monde” Lyon, France
• Best Chef of Turkey in 2008 By Time-Out Magazine
• TV SHOW. Digiturk 21. Channel. Turkmax gurme. “Mutfaktakiler” eveyday life cooking show
• Re-engineered Turkey’s Presidential Mansion / Residential estate kitchens and culinary concept in Istanbul and Ankara. Hired, executed, re-trained, and educated staff members about culinary knowledge, vision, and service.
• Institutionalized Presidential kitchens of Turkey in order to serve unique Turkish cuisine in international standards to represent the country’s perfection.
• Re-Created and edited Presidential culinary catalog with 5000 distinguished recipes.
• Re-Created and operated century-old Konyali restaurants kitchens and their new concept “Konyali Kanyon”, which was selected as the” Best Turkish restaurant” by Time-out Magazine.
• Konyali Kanyon consept won 3 gold medal for its menu by “Chain des Rotissers” along with many other international and national awards
• While he was chef de cusine at Tugra Restaurant at Ciragan Palace Kempinski Hotel, honors included the restaurant being selected as one of the best 10 Hotel restaurants in the world by Travel and Leasure Magazine, among numerous other international and national awards.
• Directed and opened Qatar, Doha Islamic Art & Museum and Cultur Villages’s Sukur Pasha restaurants.
TV Show Master Chef: January 2014 present…
5 days a week Live TV show co-host of Mutfaktakiler Cooking Program at TurkMax Gurme Channel-
Divan Hotels Group
(A member of Preffered Hotel Group)
Executive Chef at Divan Elmadag & Cluster Ex. Chef Of Koç Museum 08/2010 – 01/2014
05/2013 – 01/2014 Koc Museums / Divan Group
Operates and reengineered 3 different full service A la Carte consept restaurants along with 1500 pax Banquet services ( 150 pax Halat Medditerranian Retaurant, 70 pax fine dining Cafe Du Levant French Restaurant, 150 pax fine dining Zeyrekhane Ottoman Turkish Restaurant ) at the prestigious private Koç Museum of the Koç Holding which also fully own Divan Hotels at his group
08/2010 – 05/2013 Divan İstanbul Elmadag
Opening Team of Divan Hotel İstanbul, in the opening team creating the concept of the restaurants, by the concept deciding equipments and creating the menu. Directed and operated all hotel restaurant and banqueting outlet culinary operations, including pub restaurant ( daily 300 cover), Maromi (japanese restaurant and divan lokantasi( fine dining Turkish Ottoman restaurant) Doing the tastings for each item in the menu. Working together with food and beverage about the pricing and costing menu. Giving trainings as an opening team to other Divan outlets and concepts. Creating and organizing the culinary team.
During the preopening period I was part of the project and opening team of Galatasaray Stadium which has an operation on 3 floor and total of 5500 guests as a buffet service and fast food selling corners.
On the other hand being in a project team of new hotels and concepts of Divan A.Ş, such as 5 stars hotels, residence concepts and express hotel’s projects.
Delicious Catering, Event & Consulting LLC.
Consultancy Executive Chef / Founding Partner 10/2008 – 12/2010
As a chef-owned catering company, we have the expertise necessary to prepare the finest dishes with artful presentations. Also, as a full service gourmet catering company, we design all events along with clients from menu planning to venue to decor & lighting as well as giving consultancy services for businesses and individuals. Our client profiles include government accounts, businesses, and individuals.
President’s Mansion & Residential Estates of TURKEY
Consultancy Execitive Chef 09/2008 – 07/2009
Re-designed presidential kitchens along with training staff members for culinary education, presentation, and service matters. Created infrastructure for hygiene standards, food handling and certification for ISO-HACCP and ISO-22000. Initiated R&D on new and existing recipes.
Introduced standardized inventory controls and computing systems. Developed and implemented menu engineering and analysis systems. Standardized purchasing procedures. Hired, trained, and terminated kitchen management and subordinate Chef staff. Was responsible for planning and execution of all banquet functions, ranging from 50 to 2,500 people.
Appraisal:beyond expectation
Konyali Lokantalari Co.
Corporate Executive Chef 03/2006 – 10/2008Directed and operated all konyali restaurant branches and outlet culinary operations, including Kanyon Konyali, Akaretler 1897, Cafe Piruhi, Topkapi Palaca Restaurant, Imalathane ( Centeral Production Kinchen ) and Quatar, Doha Islamic Art&Museum Restaurants. Launched a 4-storey manufacturing facility simultaneously with the Kanyon Konyalı Restaurant. In April 2008, opened Konyalı 1897 Restaurant in Akaretler and brought Turkish café, a first of its kind café, into life.
Designed and developed exciting new food concepts, closely collaborated and networked with numerous global consultancy chefs, built close strategic relationships with key customers and retailers, completed management of customer visits to the culinary center, lead national & international culinary events and seminars, held full responsibility for the culinary center headquarters and procedures. During his period as Corporate Executive Chef, he spearheaded the institutionalization of the Konyali Brand and won numerous awards from national and international media and institutions. The restaurant received 5 different awards in its category, was chosen the best Turkish Cuisine Restaurant by Time Out magazine, given the awards for “the best Turkish Cuisine Restaurant” and “the best Turkish food" by Gecce.com . 3 of its menus were awarded the best in the menu contest and was given the gold and "Tuğrul Şavkay" prize. Hosted with great success the gala dinners for Chain des Rotissers and Mutfak Dostları (Friends of the Kitchen Association). The menu for Chain des Rotissers gala diner won the gold medals in the menu contest in 2008. He incrised volume and popularity of Konyali brand %90 after his creation of Konyali Kanyon along with other new consepts.
Appraisal: beyond expectation
Ciragan Palace Hotel Kempinski
Senior Sous Chef / Chef de Cusine of Tugra Restaurant 04/2003 – 03/2006
Supervised 12 chefs, oversaw daily operations, and improved customer experience by 90% and check avarage from $35 per person to $80 per person in the 90 pax, signature & Fine Dining Ottoman Turkish restaurant of the hotel. Overtook authority in the other outlet operations and created new concepts, menues, stategies for 3 other restaurants of the hotel and increased guest satisfaction by 90%. Worked as right hand of the Executive Chef in the following tasks & achievements: helped oversee & coordinate a Team of 150 Chefs; organized banquet and catering services for up to 5000 pax with Function rooms; won numerous awards from national and international publications for Tugra Restaurant. Prepared special banquet menus and tasting events with customers. By renewing the Banquet dishes and the service system, provided a 20% increase in special functions and a 50% increase in customer satisfaction.
Appraisal:Beyond expectation
The Ritz Carlton Hotel / ISTANBUL
Sous Chef 06/2002 – 04/2003
At the request of world-famous 3 Michelin star Chef Paul Perit, Aydin transferred from Chan-ga Restaurant to CAM (Glass) Restaurant at Ritz Carton to become his Sous Chef. After closely working with Mr.Perit, Aydin overtook the authority of all A la Carte restaurants of the Hotel, including 120 pax A la Carte restaurant, 300 pax breakfast, brunch, a la carte dinner, all day room service as well as 50-100 pax open buffet and RS bar menu design and prep. Created great service with his 12 crew member. Created new a la carte menus and increased customer satisfaction up to 98% and as a result, increased volume of guests by 70%. Designed and produced new menu layout and verbiage.
Appraisal: On Target
Chan-ga Restaurant / ISTANBUL
Executive Chef 10/1999 – 06/2002
Established a set of work standards before opening one of the first fusion kitchen of Turkey and has given fusion culinary, its service, hygiene and orientation training to crew members. Trained and worked closely with Fusion master Peter Gordon at the beginning. Every 2 to 3 months, according to seasonal changes he has prepared new exciting fusion-style menus. His kitchen and service staff training, which have applied the standards for menu and meals, have resulted 98% success in a short period of time. The quality and superior customer satisfaction of Chan-ga restaurant earned 38th place among the world's top 50 restaurants for 2001-2002 by a European food critic’s survey conducted by “Restaurant Magazine”. Realized Changa's café establishment project in the summer of 2001 at Park Orman and had a successful summer.
Appraisal: Beyond expectation
EUREST” Feriye Restaurant and - La Fontaine Restaurant – Istanbul
Executive Chef June 1996 - October 1999
At Feriye Restaurant, prepared dishes from a menu of Turkish and internetional cuisine serving in winter up to 80 guests in the indoors area, and serving a la carte to 200 to 250 guests in summer together with carrying out receptions for 500 guests in summer at the outdoors seaside area.
When Feriye Restaurant’s agreement with “EUREST”ended, took charge of the La Fontaine French Restaurant at Maya Center as the Executive Chef. Managed a kitchen staff of 14 employees, serving a la carte to 80 guests and preparing dishes for up to 400 guests at the self service area of the restaurant. Achieved 92% customer satisfaction. Received trainings for ISO 9002 food sanitation standards and HACCP auditing. In the compliance audit, scored 85% for sanitation and 94% for production and service quality.
Topkapı ERESİN HOTEL***** İstanbul
Executive Sous Chef April 1995 - May 1996
Worked at the opening of the hotel and together with the chef de cuisine, established the kitchen and hired the kitchen staff. Alacarte ve banquet menulerinin ve tariflerinin çıkartılıp maliyetlerinin hazırlanmasını yaptı.Studied the a la carte menu and the banquet menu to prepare a financial analysis and calculate the cost. Set up the training program for the kitchen staff and carried out the training. Revan, the a la carte restaurant with seating for 150 guests, was chosen the most successful department within the first 3 months of his leadership at the restaurant. Took responsibility in banquets serving 500 guests. 90% customers satisfaction was achieved for the service provided the hotel opening.
“EUREST” Compass Group PLC – Sabancı Center – Istanbul
Chef de Cuisine June 1993 - April 1995
Served as chef de cuisine in charge of all the VIP Restaurants and banquet halls at Sabancı Center. With a staff of 14 employees (8 of them permanent), provided food service in the dining halls of various sizes and capacities at Sabancı Center, including 3 halls which housed 300 guests each and were converted into a single hall for up to 1000 guests when necessary. Calculated the daily costs for all banquets and outside catering. Received trainers training for ISO 9002 and worked on the implementation of the standards together with food engineers.
Discorium /ŞamdanSA /Piezza Rest –- Istanbul
Demi Chef/Chef de Partie July 1987 - August /1990
At the 3 restaurants owned by the same company and each with a different concept, served a la carte to up to 250 guests, banquets to up to 1200 guests, worked in various cold and hot departments as chef de partie. Executed VIP banquets, serving a la carte to 300 to 1200 guests at ŞamdanSA restaurant in Yeniköy in summer. In winter, served a la carte dinner to 250 guests every night and prepared banquets for 500 guests at Discourium Restaurant in Gayrettepe. At Piezza Restaurant in Maçka, learned Italian cooking from the Italian chef and served a la carte lunches also dinners to 150 guests each.
AMARCORD Restaurant - Istanbul
Demi chef - June 1986 - July 1987
Worked as demi chef in the cold department and carried out general kitchen tasks at the Italian restaurant with seating for 120 guests. Learned Italian cooking, but unfortunately the restaurant closed down.
Moda 29 – Büyükada Anadolu Kulübü – Garden 74 – Istanbul
Commis June 1984 – July /1986
Began his career in these 3 enterprises, each of which had its own concept. Moda 29 sezonluktu ama Zeynep Özalin düğününü gördüm.Worked seasonally at Moda 29, but gained experience serving at the wedding of Zeynep Ozal’s wedding reception. Garden 74, a restaurant which generally hosted special functions in summer and worked to full capacity in winter, was where he gained experience of systematic work. At Büyükada Anadolu Club, experienced team-work and working at a fast-paced work environment during a summer season.
Training and Seminars Given by Aydin Demir
• February 2012: in Spain -Madrid Fusion Gourmet Festival, 2 weeks workshop and seminar
• Member of WACS organization committee and jury of the 2010 for WACS International Chefs competition
• Member of WACS organization committee and jury of the 2009 for WACS International Chefs competition
• In 2007-2008 Jury member in an international chefs competition
• Macka Foundation at ITU / 2004 to 2007: Conducted Kitchen Management courses on Hygiene, Turkish kitchen Culture, Turkish and world cuisines matters to Hospitality Management Students.
• During the same period, gave 40 female students professional cook training with a 7-month program as part of a project for the education of girls in need led by Prof. Dr. Türkan Saylan and funded by the EU.
• Conducted and pursued conferences about culinary art in various universities
• In 2005, gave various conferences, seminars and presentation at “Culinary Institute of America” in Napa valley, California.
• In 2003, gave seminars and degustation presentation to editors and food critiques of Saveur, Food and Wine, Conde Nast, Travel and Leisure magazines in New York City about Turkish Cuisine
TV Show Appearance Index
• 2014 present ….TV SHOW. Digiturk 21. Channel. cable TV network. Turkmax Gurme. “Mutfaktakiler” eveyday life cooking show .
• Kanal 6 / Co-Host at “Men’s Club” with “Vatan Sasmaz “ during 1998-99. Food preparation and talk show with one or two well known faces in public.
• Digiturk cable TV network / “elmavizyon” show, 4 episodes during Ramadan month, special exclusive show.
• ART “German TV” channel, exclusive show guest about Turkish cuisine.
• TV 8 – 4 episode special live program guest about culinary.
• “Makina” TV Show with “Okan Bayulgen” (Turkey’s Jay Leno) as a Guest.
• “NTV” Ramadan program for a 1 mount about Ramadan iftar (feast break meal)
• And presented in many other various magazine and TV shows.
Trainings Received and Courses Completed
• Mastering the art of Turkish cooking by İbrahim Demir
• Fusion cooking training by Peter Gordon.
• Logic of cooking and molecular gastronomy by Paul Pairet
• Minimalist style by Fabrice Canelle
• Vegetable, fruit and ice sculping by Hasim Usta
• ISO, HACCP, Sanitation trainings and certificates
• “Who Moved My Cheese? - Dealing with change” at Ritz Carlton Istanbul
• Trainers training - 16-hour training at Ritz Carlton Istanbul
• Wine, whisky and coffee training courses at Ritz Carlton Istanbul
• Firefighting, first aid and earthquake trainings of 18 hours at Ritz Carlton Istanbul and Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul
• Time management - 8-hour training at Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul
• Basic Management - 20-hour course at Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul
• NLP and Time Management - 6-hour course at Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul
• Basic Photography - 3-month course of 120 hours at ISMEK
• Diction - 3-month course at ISMEK
Areas of Interest
• Eating, tasting experimental cooking, food design, designing innovative dishes
• Research on Turkish cuisine and culinary culture, archiving, writing
• Building an archive of foreign food and cooking magazines and books
• TV shows on food and cooking
• Attending food and beverage sector fairs, workshops, conferences as a jury member or participant
• Cookbook writing
• Collecting magazine and paper articles on food
• Food photography
• Reading self-development books and delivering speeches on self-development to small groups
• Automobiles, motorcycle trips, music and movies
Language Skill: Turkish, intermediate conversational and business English with vocational French, Italian
Education: 50 Yil High School / Istanbul
Computer Knowledge: Certified Microsoft Excel. Word, Photo Shop user.
Certifications: Certified on ISO- HACCP Hygiene, Educator’s education certification from Ritz Carlton, Vine, whisky, bourbon and coffee expertise beverage Certifications from Ritz Carlton. Certified Digital Photographer
Nationality: Citizenship of Turkey

- 18:39 - Mısır gezisi için TÜRSAB'ın adı kullanılarak dolandırılmış!
- 17:53 - 152 tarihi eseri Mısır'a iade ettik
- 14:32 - Nadir hayata döndürüldü, durumu kritik: Kan aranıyor!
- 12:00 - Kalamış Yat Limanı'nın 40 yıllık işletmesi Koç Holding'e geçti
- 11:25 - Asrın felaketinin toplam maliyeti 150 milyar dolara ulaştı
- 14:35 - Mısır, 2030’a kadar turist sayısını 30 milyona çıkarmayı hedefliyor
- 12:00 - EMITT Fuarı 28. kez kapılarını açtı
- 11:00 - Çalışma süresi kısalıp, tatil süreleri uzayacak
- 10:00 - Trabzon'un Uzungöl'deki 63 turizm işletmesi kapatıldı
- 09:25 - Ilgaz Dağı'nda Türkiye Kayak Federasyonu'nun telesiyeji kapatıldı
- 08:21 - Seyahat harcamaları 15 yılda Tüketici Fiyat Endeksi’nin üç katı oldu
- 07:00 - Pansiyon mühürlemede biber gazıyla müdahale
- 06:48 - Sahte pasaport şebekesine operasyon: 5 kişi gözaltına alındı
- 13:30 - Küçük Oteller Derneği’nde Başkan Ertan Ustaoğlu güven tazeledi
- 09:02 - Louvre Müzesi’nde en büyük nenovasyon yapılacak