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On board the Costa Diadema

On board the Costa Diadema
Annual event dedicated to the Company’s best Travel Partners worldwide takes place on board the flagship Costa Diadema

GENOA– The much-anticipated annual showpiece event of “Protagonisti del Mare” (The Champions of the Sea) is coming to its 22nd edition, celebrating Costa Cruises’ best Travel Partners in the world. The event will take place onboard Costa Diadema, “Regina del Mediterraneo”, with approximately 1,500 partners from Europe, North America, Asia and Africa on a cruise calling at La Spezia (25 February), Naples (26 February), Ajaccio (27 February), Savona (28 February), Marseille (March 1), Barcelona (March 2), Palma de Mallorca (March 3) and Naples (5 March).

“Protagonisti del Mare” includes awards ceremonies, presentations of the new Costa brochure 2016/17, meetings with the Costa Sales & Marketing Teams. Travel Partners will also experience the flagship Costa Diadema, which is an ambassador for Italy’s finest, offering great regional food, wines and aperitifs, and Italian suppliers of excellence. A wide selection of activities have been scheduled for them, with parties, shows and exciting excursions ashore.

“We are glad to have our best travel partners onboard Costa Diadema. Our flagship is the best expression of our new positioning, based on the Italy’s finest concept. – said Costa Cruises President Neil Palomba - She transpires the pleasant mood of Italian hospitality and true Italian holiday, spent tasting delicious food, drinking selected wines and living a unique shopping experience, completed by a vast selection of Italian famous brands. Italy is the country where Costa was born, and we are focusing on the finest things it offers: passion, style, quality, hospitality”.

“Protagonisti del Mare” is our keynote event to celebrate the results obtained by our main travel partners, while sharing with them our strategies for future growth,” said Costa Cruises Executive Vice President Sales & Marketing Norbert Stiekema. “We have several news to present them this year, confirming our investments to consolidate the leadership of the Costa brand in Europe: new brochure 2016/17, new neoCollection brochure and the new organization of the Sales & Marketing Team.”

During “Protagonisti del Mare”, prizes will be awarded to the travel partners who achieved the best performances in 2014. The sophisticated setting of Costa Diadema Emerald Theatre will provide the backdrop for the Gala awards evenings, which will be veritable stage shows hosted by 2004 Miss Italy, Cristina Chiabotto, with the participation of Costa Cruises President, Neil Palomba, the Executive Vice President Sales & Marketing Norbert Stiekema, and the Senior Vice President World Wide Sales, Massimo Brancaleoni, together with the worldwide sales force. The winners will be awarded with dedicated trophies, the golden “dolphin” in the shape of Costa’s iconic “C” – a dolphin is the symbol of Protagonisti del Mare – specially designed for the event.

In addition, Costa Cruises’ main innovations for the 2015-2017 seasons will be previewed to the Travel Partners, reinforcing the company’s leading position.

During the cruise, several special activities will take place to involve the Travel Partners participating. Joining “ViceVersa”, they will be able to take the place of the crew and experience all the thrill of being a part of the onboard staff and serving Guests.

Some Travel Partners will also have the chance to taste the products of the various bars of the flagship, such as Vinoteca, the Birreria and the Bar Bollicine, together with some of the company’s top managers, during the “Bar Hopping”. A genuine “Aperitivo Italiano” (Italian aperitif) will be served onboard, while other events include artisanal beer tasting with the Italian actor Fabio Fulco, and the spectacular show productions in the theatre. During the call at Naples, the Restaurant Club will offer a special “partners dinner” to some Travel Partners. The menu is dedicated to Campania region, including also products from Italian suppliers of excellence, such as aperitif by Cantine Ferrari, Barilla pasta, chocolate pralines by Guido Gobino, “setteveli” cake by Luigi Biasetto, Illy espresso coffee.

Furthermore, Costa Diadema will host also great parties, like “La Notte Bianca” (White Party), with the flagship “dressed up” in white, and “La Notte in maschera” (Masked party).

In addition, Travel Partners will also have the chance to discover the new kind of shore excursions provided by the flagship, during the calls in Naples, Ajaccio, Savona, Marseille, Barcelona, and Palma de Mallorca.

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